Today’s Photograph

(shot on this date - past or present)

The Pepper on the Peanuts with Blue Ivy on Stone

The Pepper on the Peanuts with Blue Ivy on Stone - Maple Shade, New Jersey - February 17, 2010 and St. Davids, Pennsylvania - February 17, 2008
Maple Shade, New Jersey - February 17, 2010 and St. Davids, Pennsylvania - February 17, 2008


I was searching my archives for photographs I took on this date, February 17. I came across these taken two years apart and couldn’t decide which to showcase today. The thought occurred to me that they might look interesting as a composition. I know it’s very unusual, but I found it interesting. Sometimes you have to venture out of your comfort zone and have a little fun…If your interested, here is a version with three images shot on the same date. This one is really “off the wall.”
Click here to see it.Also, here is the story on the pepper photograph:We were at the produce market and I spotted this pepper and decided to shoot it on the spot. Laid it on the sacks of peanuts and shot it. Added a little softening glow in Photoshop, and here it is. I thought it was fun and wanted to share it. All comments appreciated…

Past Days Photographs

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Flying Light

Flying Light

San Diego, California - January 28, 2018 Visual effect composition from two images on right. Light bulb practical effect shot in Philadelphia on October 20, 2008 Eagle wing shot January 26, 2018 in La Mesa, California Story of how I got the light bulb to glow &...