Five Horsepower

by | May 3, 2024 | Country, Lancaster, Landscape, People, Spring | 1 comment

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - May 3, 2003
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania - May 3, 2003

This is one of my favorites from about 19 years ago. The week before, I had spotted several farmers plowing their fields, and believe it or not, I didn’t have my camera with me (very rare). I returned to Lancaster County the following week, expecting not to find the shot, but hoping, and sure enough I found 3 different farmers plowing “the old fashion way”. Some were even using mules.This shot is one of my favorites from that day.


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1 Comment

  1. Father Dan, at St. Rita's


    The five horsepower photo is indeed a very good photo. I like the contrast between the dark horses, the brown soil, the white of the farmer’s shirt and the light and dark colors of the background. I like the photo in black in white.

    Fr. Dan


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